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Geography Study Material - Eclipses




Eclipse are formed when the Sun, Earth and Moon come in to the same linear line then the shadow of one object falls on other object, this phenomenon is known as Eclipse. In respect to earth there happen 2 types of Eclipses:     (a) Solar eclipse    (b) Lunar eclipse


(a) Solar eclipse:  When sun, moon and the earth comes into the same linear line in this order (or) when earth comes into the umbra region of the moon or when moon comes in between the sun and earth then shadow of the moon falls on the some of the areas of the earth surface. As a result the people of that area will not be able to see the sun for some minutes to an hour.

The shadow region of either moon or earth is known as umbra.


è The region which receives partial sunlight located on either side of the umbra is known as Penumbra.

è Solar eclipse occurs only on new moon  day during day time but they will not occur on all new  moon days because there is variation of angular distance between the orbits of moon and earth by 59 .

è Diamond ring:  It is the phenomenon that appears in the form of ring in the region of corona part of the sun.

è Bailey’s beads: It is also associated with solar eclipse it is the situation when solar radiation reflects from the river valley bottoms that river valleys appear as garlands which will be constituted with beads on the moon surface.


(b) Lunar eclipse:  

When sun, earth and moon come into the same linear line in this order (or) when moon comes into the umbra region of the earth (or) when earth comes in between sun and moon, the people who are living in the opposite side of the earth will not be able to see the moon for some minutes to 1 ½  hr.


Blue moon:

Normally only one full moon day occurs in a month but rarely 2 full moon days occur in a month at certain intervals then 2nd  full moon day of the month is known as Blue moon.


   è Lunar eclipse occurs on the full moon day. But they will not occur on all the full moon days.

   è Generally 7 eclipses occur during the year among these 5 solar eclipses and 2 lunar eclipses (or) 4 solar eclipses and 3 lunar eclipses will be there. 


During the period of eclipses we should not see directly because during that time more amounts of harmful UV rays will reach on the delicate organs of the body. 


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